

1. 収集した個人情報の利用は、条例の規定に基づき、以下の目的のためその範囲内においてのみ収集・利用いたします。


  • 新商品・新技術の案内など、お客様に有益かつ必要と思われる情報の提供
  • 業務遂行上で必要となる弊社からの問い合わせ、確認、およびサービス向上のための意見収集
  • 各種のお問い合わせ対応

2. 弊社のシステムを利用する従業員については、ユーザID・パスワードを発行し、システムの利用を認められた者以外はアクセスができないようにしております。

3. 利用者と弊社の間のインターネット利用による通信は、SSL(Secure Socket Layer)により、データを暗号化しています。

Compliance of Protection of Personal Information (Original is described in Japanese)

HiPep Laboratories complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the Kyoto Prefectural Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Ordinance’) in collecting, using, providing, and managing personal information. In addition to complying with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the Kyoto Prefectural Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Ordinance’), the following security measures are taken to ensure that personal information is not leaked or lost.

1. In accordance with the provisions of the ordinance, we will collect and use personal information only for the following purposes and within the scope of such purposes. The collection and use of personal information by HiPep Laboratories is based on voluntary provision by the customer, and when the customer provides personal information, it is assumed that the customer has given permission for our company to use the personal information in accordance with this policy.

  • To provide information deemed useful and necessary to the customer, such as new products as well as new technologies announcements.
  • To make inquiries and confirmations from us as necessary for the performance of our business, and to collect opinions for the improvement of our services.
  • Responding to various types of inquiries

2. For employees who use the system, user IDs and passwords are issued to ensure that only those authorized to use the system can access it.

3. The part of the communication between the user and our company via the Internet is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer).